688 True RMS Low Current Clamp Meter

SKU: 688

CLAMP METER We've greatly improved the zero drift on the low DC amps function- along with enlarging the clamp size to accommodate larger ground cables. The significant amount of feedback from our end user customers has contributed greatly to building this premium low-current clamp meter. These features will be unmatched. Great tool for parasitic drain testing.


  • Larger 19mm (.75") clamp size -  can clamp over larger ground cables and some multi-ground cable systems
  • TRUE RMS accuracy
  • Greatly improved zero function
  • Accurate measurements down to 1mA (.001A)
  • 5,000 count backlit LCD Display w/analog bar graph
  • Peak MIN/MAX function
  • Standard MIN/MAX function
  • CATIII 600 volts safety rating
  • Built-in temperature- F and C
  • Full digital multimeter built-in